Look like this...
The LCD screen will auto generate the 6 digit numbers every 60 second, can you see the a bar on the left of the screen, indicate 10 more seconds before this password expire. There is total of 6 bar, like those in your handphone indicate how many bar of battery power it's left.
So cool right, this password can be used wherever you are, is auto synchronize with the system to ensure the right password is generated on your LCD screen every 60 seconds.
Oh by the way with this password is not sufficient enough for you to enter the system, some of my colleague have 3 of it, every digital keys password are different password. GOSH... technology now days.
You have to associate your own personal password together with the digital key only to gain access the system. The more application system you use for work, the more digital keys you have. =_=
But if you lost it, advice by the manager... PLEASE LODGE A POLICE REPORT!!!... because it's seem to be very important tool especially for banking application.
Now I know why the department's called a IT security department. lol...
Conventional VS Digital Key
Did you see the bar on the left of LCD... 50 more seconds before the password expire... @_@
P/S: Gosh I saw around new 50 slim boxes of DELL laptop in front of my company today... AHHH!!!!!!!! Pray hard one of it will be for me... DROOL DROOL DROOL!!!
wow so cool! haha it should have tamagotchi application in the key also so employees can play when bored =P
=_= tamagotchi pulah...
anna big gur d... already ehmm... kenot play tamagochi d =P
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