
Monday, November 19, 2007

My name is Bond, James Bond.

Was driving to uni, stopped at the junction, where you can only turn right, it was in PJ after KDU college, the road there.

Then I saw this... (click on picture for a clearer view)

James Bond 007, spying on the other side of the road to lookout for any traffic offenders. So James Bond can 'lame-ie walkie talkie' with his other "James Bond 001 till 999" partner in crime on duty at the road block, few hundred meters away from James Bond 007.

I wonder what James Bond 007 will said to his partner when he spotted someone talking on the phone, didn't wear seat belt and etc.

James Bond 007: *tuut*tuut* incoming incoming! Car AAA 4444 Proton Hero, talking on the phone... over over!

James Bond 001: *tuut*tuut* received received! confirm battery AAA 4444... over over!

Haha, all this while I was wondering where are all this "James Bond" police hiding to spy on our mistake...

but today I got ya on camera... muahahaha!!!

p/s: This week in HELP U.C. CF...

Come come come!!! Invite thou friends...
Everyone is invited =)

Venue: HELP University College, KPD E
Room: LH 2.2
Time: 12:00-2:00pm
Date: 23.11.07
Day: Friday
Who?: You, your friends & their friends


Anonymous said...

i will be there...kekeke.

anna said...

you crazy.

JTan said...



Jamie said...

OMG!!!! you are too freeeeeeee

jimmy, too free too free!!!

you sooo laaaaammmmmmeeeeee*faint*

jimmytch said...

ppl: where u... me no see u come wan??? hmph...

anna: I am not crazy =(

jeremy: hey jeremy... haha... hope you enjoy it =P

jamie: no la quite bz also... everyday go uni... if lame I won't be going uni d =P

Anonymous said...

over edi ar? OOPS...overslept la. Hehehe.

Anonymous said...

Great work.
