
Saturday, December 1, 2007

Memoirs of CF 2007

A video for HELP U.C. CF 2007 - Finale, for remembrance.

Gonna miss you all man, all the laughters, serving together-gether, helping out for the CF's events and banyak-banyak lagi (a lot more).

Enjoy the video.

p/s: If you want the video file do feel free to ask from me. The original size was 162MB, too big already. I can't upload the original size, got to compress it to 20mb only can post up to the blog. The original size is much more clearer =)


anna said...

hey jimmy the video soo nice!! u kuasa. =)

jimmytch said...

hey anna... praise God for that too... hehe =)

Susanna said...

Heya. The posters you use for CF are so so superb! Way to go Help UC CF!!

& hey, just because you're not technically not in a uni CF anymore doesn't mean it's all sad sad sad... it's time... to get out to wherever God places you & to be that influence in the world, the way they've been telling us we should be all through our teenage years. :)

jimmytch said...

Hey Su... thanx for dropping by...
Oh ya the poster some of the CFers did wan... Praise God for them... hehe

Yep agreed with you... we must always move on... thanx for the encouragement =)

See ya around.
