Was driving back alone back after the International Student Night organized by HELP CF at Desa Kiara, it was good lah, get to see international with local student mixing around and to know each other more. Thank God for the numbers of international & local student was quite balance, if not it will defeat the purpose of this event.
By the way, as I said, was driving back after the event. I was thinking, how if one day, I wake up and forget everything even my own name. Memory lost, all the words I long to said too, the appreciation/acknowledgment I wanted to give, the care I wanted to show and the list goes on. I unable to do that anymore =|
Often when I see the word 'History', first thing came into my mind... WASTE TIME! NONSENSE! CRAPING! and etc....
Well whatever in my mind that time, is not really the truth. Yah... it can be boring sometimes I agree.
Imagine without history, I guess its the same as losing all your memory, a person knowing nothing about his/her own identity, purpose, goals, visions and plans.
A nation without history is nothing.
A company without history is nothing.
A club without history is nothing.
A person without history is nothing.
So yah... I guess...