
Monday, September 17, 2007

The angel v.s. the devil

Jimmy: Hmm she not bad ah... should I get her?

Jimmy the devil: Yep yep you should.

Jimmy: So tempting.

Jimmy the angel: Don't get her.

Jimmy: Why you said so?

Jimmy the angel: Cause she will surely hurt your wallet.

Jimmy the devil: No no no, that is not true. Is not about hurting your wallet, can't you see, she is so sexy and got nice curve on her body... S-L-I-M woot!!! Can you feel what I feel Jimmy? *Evil grin*

Jimmy: Ah... true true. Feel? Hmm I'm not very sure about the "Feel".

Jimmy the angel: No Jimmy, no Jimmy. There are better way to spend your money instead on her. Wisdom you shall seek...

Jimmy the devil: Can't you see Jimmy, she is so beautiful. Slim body with the 'S' curve from...

the left till...

the right...!!!

Jimmy: So how, I very confuse now!

Jimmy the angle: Think Jimmy, think... Wisely you shall think about it. Is that really your true desire to be with her.

Jimmy the devil: OF COURSE! Don't need to think Jimmy, just go get her, I bet it will satisfy your desire being with her.

Jimmy: (@_@) Confuse confuse confuse, quiet you both, shall you!!! Is upon my decision whether to get her or not...

Oh the sexy, the black and the beautiful
Microsoft Laser Mouse 6000
what do you think dear??? (@_@)


p/s: they should call it MICE instead of MOUSE...


Anonymous said...


tot it was a guitar! ahhaa =P

jimmytch said...

oh ya hor... haha didn't thought of it that way =P

Unknown said...

ur sick jimmy. take the money n find a lame doctor. mayb he can cure ur lameness haha. probably u might not get out of the consultation room since the 2 of u r lame.

jimmytch said...

haha yo jackie... true true... later forever we in the room giving lame joke to each other... lol
