
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Burnout !!! (#_@)

Burnout: Melt, break, or become otherwise unusable (@_@)

stress stress stress... tension tension tension...!!!

I can feel the pressure as a final year student... research here... journal there... assignment here... exam there... aiyo... never ending...

So to release tension... I played...
yes yes.... there is a game called Burnout for PS2...hoho...
This game is fun fun & fun to release stress...
(below picture taken from
How??? hehe... continue reading =)

Yes yes... beautiful morning sun shine... so peaceful ... heart also calm d... lol

and here come some weird looking car in the morning...
how to release stress la... see the car so ugly... lagi stress...

ARE YOU READY... to burn all your stress away...???







Haha!!! yes yes... is a good way to release my stress...
Wondering what this Burnout game about?
Is not a typical racing game... it is a VERY VERY FAST PACE game...
Yes... giler fast.... especially you press the 'boost button' the car can just fly faster than F1 car...
Basically this game is all about crashing and taking down your opponent...
You just need to overtake them... speed up... bang!!! bang!!! & BANG!!!
Haha... then explode or crash... so to make the opponent left behind... and you will be the KING on the road...

Aiyo so cruel... yah... but is just a game... but is fun... you should try it out especially those got PS2 video game console at home... lol... *even play DoTA can be quite stressing out sometimes*

So lets burnout... haha...

By the way drive safely on the road... jangan REMP-it or rempit... lol whatever is it...
Yes yes... Pandu lambat, asalkan selamat (drive slow, as long it is safe)

Thats all for now....
Signing off =)

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